On 24th March 2014, our “Sichuan Poor Rural-Household Biogas Development Programme” (PoA) has successfully included a new batch of 20 Component Project Activities (CPAs) within the CDM framework. Combined with the 53 CPAs previously included, the PoA umbrella now includes a total of 73 CPAs reducing GHG emissions and generating Gold Standard CERs.

These 73 CPAs represent more than 330,000 low income Sichuan rural households equipped with modern biogas digesters and cook stoves. Altogether, the PoA foresees the inclusion of 220 CPAs, comprising a total of more than a million households. Current PoA planning anticipates that each year at least one new batch of 20 to 25 CPAs shall be added to this programme.

“This CPAs inclusion and the regular PoA inclusion schedule prove, firstly, that this PoA implementation is well on track, and secondly, that UPM and its Chinese cooperation partners, despite adverse carbon market conditions, are fully committed to this unique climate protection programme, and will continue to scale it up“, said Martin Dilger, Managing Director of German UPM GmbH.

For further information on thePoA and the availability of its high quality GS CERs, contact us.

Official CDM information on this CPA inclusion can be obtained on the UNFCCC CDM website.

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