We are very happy to inform you that our “Sichuan Poor Rural-Household Biogas PoA received today, on the UN World Environment Day, the Energy Globe Award for the best national project in China!

The Energy Globe Award was founded in 1999 by the Austrian energy pioneer Wolfgang Neumann. With more than 160 nations participating and nearly 1,000 project applications annually, the Energy Globe Award is one of the world’s most prestigious environmental prizes.

With a global call for participation, Energy Globe invites outstanding sustainable best practice projects to participate in the annual competition. It distinguishes projects with a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, conservation of our natural resources, or counteracting climate change. Since its foundation, Energy Globe has received more than 6,000 applications from exemplary projects aiming at shaping a sustainable future.

The national Energy Globe Award ceremony for China will take place on 9th of July in Beijing. The event will be hosted by Energy Globe’s cooperation partner, Advantage Austria, the official Austrian Foreign Trade Promotion Organisation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Advantage Austria will also hand over the Energy Globe Certificate to us and to our local PoA implementation partner Oasis, and the Sichuan Rural Energy Office (SREO).

„We are very proud to have won this prominent environmental prize for developing and implementing an unrivalled climate protection project with enormous sustainability co-benefits for so many low-income farmer households in Sichuan. The international attention and appreciation for this PoA are a strong motivation and a most welcome support to further promote programmatic GHG mitigation approaches“, comments Wang Hai, Managing Director at Oasis, our long time local partner and PoA coordination and management entity.

See our project highlighted on the award website here.

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